Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Let's Cast a Pod (Portable On Demand)

The term "podcasting," describes a case where the semantics of change is more important than the change itself. Recording words and music is nothing new. Recording words and music into a digital format is relatively new. Posting digital recordings in personal websites, has that new car smell about it. Let's view a video that describes this podcasting.
How does one make a digital recording? How does one post the recording to the web? Is all of this magic, or sorcery? I favor sorcery, but what do I know? Let's take another tack.

Making a Podcast (Podcasting Tools)
To make a digital recording, with relative ease, a piece of free software known as Audacity will do the trick. In addition to Audacity, a small file known a Lame is necessary to make MP3 files.
The download can be done from the link below. Don't forget you need a microphone. Yelling at the computer may not work.
After recording a message the question is, "How do I get it to the web?" The MP3 file now must to posted somewhere on the web. Below is a suggested location for your consideration. Create an account with DivShare and upload your file. There are options to pick from to access this file from your page. You can link to the file, download the file or embedd the file. Either way your file will be played.
Finding Podcasts
You now can make my own casts, but what if you're looking for audio files that are made by someone else? Well, they are all over the web, but there are repositories for your perusal. Below are a few.

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